Welcome to Firebrand Fellowship, a growing body of believers who are dedicated to Jesus Christ. We are a full gospel church located at the historic Black Run Chapel in Lewisburg, PA.

The cause that we are so passionate about is Jesus, His finished work on the Cross, and seeing His people set free from sin, walking in the fullness of their calling, and raised up to equip others.

We believe in training the saints to understand and defend the Word of God, to live holy lives, to fervently seek God in all things, and to love their families well.

We believe that we are still supposed to go into all the world and preach the gospel starting in our homes, branching into our communities, and then reaching beyond.

We believe that God is still a God of miracles who desires to pour out revival, healing, gifts, blessing, and more on His people.

Join us!

Sundays at 9:15am for Sunday School for all ages, Worship begins at 10am.

Wednesdays at 6pm for fiery discussions and prayer. We equip believers with the knowledge to defend and promote the gospel and their faith.

CLICK HERE for more events!

We Are Firebrands

Our children will be more than conquerors, in Jesus name.
Our children will live lives in pursuit of God, in Jesus name.
We claim the promises of God and plead the blood of Jesus over those that God has blessed us to serve.
We push back against darkness knowing it must flee at the mighty name of Jesus.
We choose courage in the face of adversity, teaching our children line upon line and precept upon precept.
We choose to be set apart and radical in comparison to commonplace and lukewarm, and we raise up God’s standard.
We realize that there is a war in the heavenlies, and we refuse to lose.

We are a praying people.